Improving Pokemon: Unused Type Combos

Now with 7 generations of games released and an 8th on the horizon, these are the current unused type combinations for Pokemon (kudos to Reddit for this image):

Currently we are not sure if Pokemon Sword and Shield will include some of these new type combos (if any), so I am going strictly on what we know currently. 

What follows are some of my semi-fleshed out concepts for new Pokemon based on these unused type combos, all written in my typical fashion.

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Normal/Ice - 2-stage husky line (Unnamed, maybe something like Slushky/Rushky for 1 of the evolutions)
  • Another speedy physical attacking Ice-types, something that's desperately needed in the meta.
  • Gets access to all the "doge" moves plus the physical Normal/Ice moves that help it to perform; Ice Fang, Howl, Roar, Quick Attack, Ice Shard, Helping Hand, Agility, Snarl, Dig, and Odor Sleuth, just to name a few. 
  • Abilities would definitely include Slush Rush. Other possibilities include Snow Cloak, Quick Feet, Guts or Friend Guard. I would say a definite no to Fur Coat, however; despite it making sense for a big fluffy husky, it doesn't quite fit the theme of this Pokemon being a speedy attacker. 
  • First stage is a cute little white fluffball pup, just made to be turned into a stuffed animal. The second stage is a more typical adult husky without much flare added to the design. People would call it "my mom's husky," but it would fit pretty well alongside the other dog Pokemon.

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Normal/Bug - one-off flea Pokemon (Unnamed)
  • A Bug-type that relies entirely on its Speed with every other stat being average to below average. Works best as a scout, status spreader, or death fodder.
  • Learns every jumping move in existence (Jump Kick, Hi Jump Kick, Bounce, and anything else I missed), a few other kicking moves (Double Kick, Mega Kick, whatever else makes sense), plus the typical Bug stuff for little weakling Bugs like this guy (Leech Life, Struggle Bug, U-Turn, Infestation, etc.). 
  • As for Status moves, it can learn Toxic like everybody else. It would also have access to Yawn and 3 newer moves named Sneeze, Blight and Contagion:
    • Sneeze works like Yawn in that it delays its effects for 1 turn. The user sneezes on the first turn, which makes the target "sniffle." On the next turn, the target sneezes and misses their move.
    • Blight was discussed in my post on new Bug-type moves. It's a low damage spread move that removes any Terrain on the field, similar to the Rockruff line's exclusive Z-move.
    •  Contagion would be a Poison Status move that afflicts the target with a volatile status that deals damage at the end of each turn. It will go away on its own similar to other status effects and will always disappear upon switching out or ending battle, but it is guaranteed to last at least 2 turns. When the target makes contact with another Pokemon, there is a chance the contagion is spread to the other Pokemon, similar to Mummy.
  • Abilities would be Wimp Out, Run Away and Rattled.
  • Design would be whatever you imagine a Pokemon flea to look like (design's not that important to me for this one, honestly)

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Normal/Ghost - 2 stage Wendigo Pokemon (Unnamed)
  • A cute little fawn/satyr Pokemon that evolves into a scary af deer skull wearing monster, based on Native American folklore.
  • Due to its typing, it would be an offensive powerhouse with the added benefit of having a lot of defensive potential. Normal and Ghost are a STAB combo that would hit most everything for at least neutral damage and, defensively, would only have a single weakness to Dark-type.
  • Statwise, it would have good stats in pretty much every area. I picture HP, Attack, and Defense being the highest, but having high Special Attack and Special Defense also make sense. The only area where it could be lacking is Speed, but Speed wouldn't be anything below average by any means. This line would maybe work best as a pseudo like Dragonite or Ttar, which means maybe a 3rd evolution could be thrown into the mix.
  • Attacks it learns would be wide and varied, but the obvious choices would be moves like Skull Bash, Shadow Claw, Phantom Force, and Scary Face. Based on the folklore behind Wendigo, it could also make sense for it to learn Leech Life, Roar, Howl, Shadow Bone, Bone Rush, Bone Club, Trick-or-Treat, Megahorn, Horn Leech, Mimic and Copycat. Then you have all the other moves that would go on a typical physical Pokemon of this style, like Earthquake, Rock Slide, Brick Break, Crunch.... It could even learn Transform if you wanted to go for the most realistic interpretation of the folklore it's based on, but I would personally stop things there because then this Pokemon would be just too versatile.
  • For abilities, I see Intimidate making sense or an ability like it that maybe lowers the opponent's Speed or Defense instead (maybe something with the name "Frightening" or "Oppressive"). The abilities Weak Armor or Battle Armor weirdly also makes sense, as does Cursed Body. You could also continue with the "go as literal with interpreting the source material as possible" idea and give this Pokemon Impostor or Illusion, but again, those seem ridiculously op.
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Poison/Ice - 3 stage Poinsettia line (Snoelle > Hollijolli > Prinsettia)
  • This line was detailed in my post about improving the Poison-type, found here.
  • In summary, they're a trio of Pokemon based on the poinsettia, a poisonous flower associated with the Christmas holiday. The lowest stage is an ice ornament attached to a mistletoe branch (mistletoe also being a Christmas plant that's poisonous); the middle stage is basically a Christmas-themed Roselia; and the final stage is another waifu Pokemon, looking something like a holiday-themed Roserade, Lilligant or Tsareena.
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Poison/Fairy - 2 stage poisoned apple line (Unnamed)
  • Similar to the line above, this was discussed before in my post about the Poison-type.
  • For the short version, they're a pair of Pokemon based on poison apples from fairy tales such as Snow White. They would basically be the Poison version of Swirlix/Slurpuff in terms of stats and movepool, but with the abilities Gluttony and Rotten (Rotten is an ability that would cause all Berries used by any Pokemon in play to have the reverse affect, meaning they would damage the user or drop stats instead of their intended effect).
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Poison/Steel - one off blobfish (Unnamed)
  • The last one previously discussed on my Poison-type post
  • Like the typing would suggest, this Pokemon would be another "ultimate wall" Pokemon, cut from the same block as Forretress, Ferrothorn, etc. Picture moves like Toxic Spikes or Sludge Wave and abilities that would help it to absorb status or certain forms of damage.
Image result for chun li ox horn

Fighting/Fairy - 3-stage female martial artist line (Unnamed)
  • "Bulky" mixed sweepers who lean more into Speed, HP and Attack/Special Attack than they do their defenses, only being bulky because of their HP stat and typing. Due to their unique Fighting/Fairy typing and very high HP (talking 120+ base stat) they could take some key hits from common enemy Pokemon before going down. 
  • As for the designs, the "female martial artist," in my mind, would have a strong Chinese influence. They would be a line of humanoid Pokemon not dissimilar to the Hitmon line, where the blend of monster and humanoid is fairly even. The idea of the yin-yang would be present in their entire design, with them having a contrasting color scheme of black and white mixed with pink. They would also have clear yin-yang designs somewhere on their model. Since the yin-yang represents a balance between masculine and feminine, among other things, it works here. The beta design for Tyrogue would actually be an interesting design for the lowest stage of this family, with some tweaking to match this concept. The middle stage could be similar to a small child training to be a martial artist, maybe with a yin-yang inspired hairdo. The final evolution I imagine being a tough-but-lovely female humanoid Pokemon with a design similar to Medicham, but wearing clearly feminine martial artist grab and an "ox horn" hair style with large baubles in her hair. It would be the "Chun Li" of Fighting-types, a fitting inspiration.
  • Fighting/Fairy is weak to Flying, Steel, Poison, Fairy and Psychic, of which only a few are commonly used offensively on competitive teams (and all of which have pretty big "tells" if a Pokemon has them on their moveset). This typing, defensively, resists Fighting, Rock, Bug (4x) and Dark (4x), and is completely immune to Dragon. All 5 of those resists are types you are very likely to come across in competitive. In other words, this Pokemon line could play a strong role in countering key threats in the current meta.
  • The attacks for this line would be what you would expect: a mix of Fighting and Fairy moves, with some others thrown in for good measure. The elemental punches, Play Rough and Hi Jump Kick would be staples of this Pokemon family's moveset.
  • Ability wise, they could really go anywhere. If we're sticking with the yin-yang theme, Contrarian actually makes sense. Beyond that, your typical Fighting-type abilities could also work here (Guts, Quick Feet, etc.)
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Fairy/Fire - 2 stage wisp line (Fyrelf>Flamenco)
  • A really good defensive typing on a tiny-but-powerful mixed wall. Stats would lean more toward Special Attack and Special Defense, but HP would be respectable alongside above average Speed.
  • The first stage would appear similar to a miniature, human-shaped flame with an oversized head and flaming, spiky hair; the evolution would be more human-sized, more feminine, and extremely lithe, a literal "dancing flame." 
  • This line would learn a wide variety of Fairy, Fire and dancing moves, including the once-signature moves "Fiery Dance"  and "Fire Lash" (stolen from Volcarona and Heatmor). They would also learn moves like Teeter Dance, Swords Dance and Quiver Dance, since they are dancing flames (though that last move idea may be too OP). I can't see them learning Moonblast, however, so something else would need to take its place for the standard Fairy-type "burst" STAB attack. Maybe some suped up version of Fairy Wind? Such a move doesn't exist, so it would have be created first. Oh, and Burn Up would be a fun move for this Pokemon as well.
  • Abilities could range from the obvious (Flame Body or Flash Fire) to the more unique (Dancer or Magic Guard). I also envisioned, at one point, this line having a gimmick where their flame could be "snuffed out" if hit by Flying, Ground or Water moves, turning them into a flameless pure Fairy-types. I suppose, if that were the case, it would be tied to an ability... and make them more gimmickmons than potential OU material, which they may not deserve, so let's leave it in the trash where it belongs.

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Fairy/Ground - 2 stage dust bunny line (Unnamed)
  • Deceptively physically bulky stall Pokemon who work hard to halt your opponent's momentum in any way possible.
  • Picture a tiny teardrop-shaped puffball of dust with little tufts of fluff its tail and its ears. It has a wrinkly nose and eyes that appear peeking from behind the dust, and with no discernible feet it gets around by scrunching up its body and hopping around -- or just simply blowing around in the wind. Its evolution, the "Muk" of dust, is much larger and more imposing; its body is bottom heavy, it has grown a pair of powerful fists, and its fluffy tuft ears have given way to some nicely quaffed dust hair and twirly mustache whiskers. The dust on both Pokemon is a creamy, grayish off-white with patches of rainbow colors, showing off the colored lint and thread that has collected on their bodies. 
  • With two natural immunities, it makes sense for these Pokemon to play stall and be safe switch-ins in several scenarios. To complement this, they would learn a variety of status moves, including Sandstorm, Defog, Cotton Spore, Cotton Guard, Tailwind, Spikes, Sleep Powder, Powder, and the aforementioned Sneeze. 
  • The ability options would also complement their "stally safe switch-in" concept. They would have access to Tangling Hair as a hidden ability, allowing them to slow down Pokemon that make contact. They would also get Fluffy as one default ability, soaking up some damage as a trade off for a Fire weakness. Finally, they would have a second default ability unique to this line called Dust Jacket, which would shut down other stall/momentum from the opponent. 
    • Dust Jacket blocks spore, powder and sand moves. Sort of like Overcoat or Safety Goggles, the holder is immune to spore and powder moves completely. Unlike those abilities, however, Dust Jacket only protects against sand -- not damaging weather. In other words, the holder is immune to damage from Sandstorm but not Hail. They are, though, immune to anything that uses sand, not just Sandstorm, so moves such as Sand Attack, Sand Tomb, and any other future "sand" moves are included. This ability also shrugs off boosted damage from the ability Sand Force or the item Soft Sand, so a Pokemon with Dust Jacket will take normal, unboosted damage from, say, a Sand Force EQuake.

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Ice/Fire - one-off wizard Pokemon (Mixmage)
  • A jack-of-all trades Special sweeper, par for the course with stats but plenty of moves to take advantage of them.
  • Has access to pretty much every Special move you'd want on a standard Special Sweeper, including the BoltBeam combo, Flamethrower, Power Gem, Dark Pulse, and Moonblast. Also has access to the more powerful versions of the basic elemental attacks (Blizzard, Thunder, Fire Blast). In my mind, the movepool most closely represents the level up spells of a Black Mage from Final Fantasy, following a similar progression to how spells are learned and gain power in those games.
  • The design for this Pokemon resembles most heavily a jester/warlock hybrid. The Pokemon would appear as a floating mask "attached" to a pair of gloves, a cape, and a central orb or crystal which appears to be keeping everything together. It would be shown to be a mysterious and "otherworldly" Pokemon. Because of this, abilities like Magic Guard, Telepathy, and Neuromancer make the most sense. Neuromancer would be busted as hell, mind you, but it would be a ridiculously fun hidden ability. Just make this Pokemon a glass cannon so hard that it dies to a fart and I think giving it Neuromancer will totally be fine.

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Bug/Psychic - 3 stage earwig line (No idea on other names, but one would be Phrenoyd)
  • The Special version of Heracross, swapping Attack and Defense for their Special stats
  • I want this Pokemon to feel like the lost sibling of mons like Scyther, Pinsir and Heracross, mind you being a 3-stage line. As such, the base form would be your typical larval Bug-type mon, maybe not even Psychic, but it would have the characteristic pincers to let you know it's an earwig. The first evolution would be a quadrupedal earwig with something that almost resembles a brain growing from its abdomen, with its enlarged pincers at the end seeming to protect it. The final evolution becomes bipedal and continues the same theming as the middle stage, with a glowing brain-like abdomen and very large pincers that now encase it. It now also sports an enlarged growth on its head which resembles a brainstem sprouting from between its antennae. In terms of flavor, I picture this line being able to "read" brain activity from the air and move toward it. Once they find the source, they capture it with their back pincers and begin absorbing the brain waves using the organ in the abdomen. 
  • Moves would include X-Scissor, obviously, as well as your typical flair. For more unique and rare moves, I would mention that they should get Leech Life and the aforementioned Blight for Bug moves, and Miracle Eye, Extrasensory, Psychic Fangs, and Psycho Cut for Psychic. I also think the move Mind Reader makes sense here too. As for a unique move, a Psychic-type version of Leech Life called Brain Drain would be super fitting and beneficial.
  • With abilities, I envision them actually having two unique ones: PSI Magnet, which draws in Psychic-type moves and heals the user (similar to Storm Drain); and Tachykinesis, which doubles Speed on Psychic Terrain. Their final ability, for the hell of it, let's just make Forewarn. Why not.

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Bug/Dragon - 3-stage snake mimic caterpillar (Unnamed)
  • Tiny caterpillar with a serpent-like set of scales on its back, evolves into a curled up insect-like dragon larvae, and finally becomes a massive insectoid dragon Kaiju monstrosity (something like Battra or Destoroyah). Definitely would make for a cool pseudo.
  • Would learn piddly Bug-type moves and stuff like Tackle until it finally evolves into its final form, which can learn anything all the other pseudo Dragons can.
  • Abilities could be things like Battle Armor, Shed Skin, Shield Dust... Haven't really put too much thought into this one, other than the base concept.

Image result for the monster club ghoul

Rock/Ghost - 2-stage ghoul line (Ghoully>Doomstone)
  • Ghost-type tank, which is still a somewhat rare combination (Golurk and Dusknoir, I think, are it)
  • The first stage is a small goofy looking ghoul with a hunched back and pure Ghost-type, compared to the evolution. It has skeletal claws and an ugly face, which it likes to hide by closing one eye and looking side-eyed all the time. It likes to hover around burial sites so it can loot the tombs. It will obey strong trainers out of fear for its life, and it is massively afraid of daylight. The evolution is more Frankenstein-like: hulking, brutish, stitched together... it carries a tombstone over its shoulder which it uses to smash opponents. It's more protective of its territory and loves mausoleums and cemeteries all to itself. That said, it has a more anti-hero personality than its weaker prevo.
  • The two stages would have radically different abilities. Ghoully has access to 3 "flavor" abilities, being Rattled, Hustle and Wimp Out. Doomstone, on the other hand, gets access to Cursed Body, Stamina and Berserk, which complement its "tanky" nature well.
  • Being a Ghost/Rock type gives this line access to some cool moves, like Stealth Rock and Phantom Force. That said, let's focus on the unique (and original) ideas I see them using: Poltergeist, Tombstone Slam, Unfinished Business, Minesweep, and Burial. Each will be explained below.
    • Poltergeist is a Ghost move that deals dmg using your SpAtt and the opponent's Defense
    • Unfinished Business is a physical Ghost move that increases in power the more KO'd Pokemon there are in your party
    • Tombstone Slam is pretty much a Rock version of Hammer Arm
    • Minesweep is a Ground type status move that clears hazards from your side of the field
    • Burial is a lower accuracy high power Ground move that deals damage and plants the opponent in the ground, trapping them

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Fire/Grass - 3 stage snapdragon line (Unnamed, maybe "Mandrake" somewhere in there)
  • Mixed sweepers with High HP and decent Speed, but poor defenses
  • Imagine a line of Grass-types similar to the Bellsprout and Bulbasaur lines, but they ditch Poison for Fire and that's pretty much these Pokemon. This line also trades in the higher average defenses of the Bulbasaur line for higher HP, which gives them a slightly different type of sustainability in battle.
  • Learns everything you'd picture them learning: Vine Whip, Power Vine, Growth, Sunny Day, Synthesis, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Poison Powder, etc. I could see them learning a couple Dragon moves too, for flavor, maybe Dragon Breath and Twister. Also, a unique "powder" move that deals burns makes a lot of sense on this line too.
  • Abilities could really go anywhere, and I'm inclined to not pick the standard Chlorophyll, Solar Power, or Flame Body that seem to be the defaults for a lot of Grass or Fire-type Pokemon. That said, I don't think this concept is fleshed out enough to really have a lock on what they should be able to do. I did have the idea once for an ability to would Confuse and Burn opponents on contact, but I'm not sure it would fit here (since it was meant for a hallucinogenic pepper Pokemon). 
  • Designs would be somewhat basic. The first stage would appear as a nightshade berry; the evolution a blossoming snapdragon; the final stage, a large reptilian plant with thick vines and an angry gator-like snout. 


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