Improving Pokemon: New Moves Challenge - Bug Type

Continuing my ideas for how to improve Pokemon, I'm taking a self-imposed challenge to come up with ways to improve each of the currently existing 18 types in the game without altering the type chart in any way. What follows is a list of moves that I think would benefit the chosen type and create new strategies for already existing Pokemon without being overpowered. Without further rattling on, today I will focus on the Bug-type.

  • Cocoon (Status, 100% acc)
    • Description: The user wraps themselves into a cocoon, doubling their base defenses but halving their attack stats. Until switching out, the user effectively has double Def and double SpDef while having half Att and half SpAtt.
    • Distribution: Any of the "pupal" Bug-type families can learn this during their middle stage (Kakuna, Metapod, Spewpa, Charjabug, Swadloon, Whirlipede, Silcoon, Cascoon). A few others, like Volcarona and Venomoth, can get this through breeding. Any Bug-type that isn't a moth/butterfly can't have access to this move.
    • Rationale: This gives all of the "butterfly" Pokemon a viable defensive option. Pokemon like Dustox become much better at taking a hit, Eviolite Friend Guard Spewpa starts to look like a serious option, and Volcarona has multiple chances now to Quiver Dance again and again.
  • Molt (Status, 100% acc)
    • Description: The user unravels their cocoon, restoring health and returning their stats to normal. Ends the "cocoon" status and resets stats, but also recovers status effects while restoring 50% max HP. Fails if the user is not under the effects of Cocoon.
    • Distribution: Anything that can learn Cocoon.
    • Rationale: In conjunction with effectively using Cocoon, this could be deadly. It gives a huge healing option to Pokemon that don't have one and allows smart players to "reset" their Bug-type to full health if used correctly. This could be extremely dangerous if used on, say, a Pokemon that abused Quiver Dance while under the effects of Cocoon, but considering that you used 3 move slots to Cocoon>Quiver Dance>Molt, you better hope that last move slot has coverage enough to sweep your opponents. Still could make some Pokemon much, much better.
  • Skitter (Physical, 55bp, 95% acc)
    • Description: The user moves weirdly to tackle the target. Deals damage and has a 50% chance to raise Speed +1.
    • Distribution: A handful of "weaker" Bug-types and Pokemon with "creepy movement." Pokemon like Surskit, Spinarak, and Durant would be the flagships for this move. Pheromosa would never get this, even though it makes sense. I could see Pokemon like Spinda, Mimikyu and weirdly Gastrodon getting this, however.
    • Rationale: Bugs basically having a "Flame Charge" would be a nice addition. Helps some of those Bug-types that are just slightly too slow to make an impact, like Masquerain, while giving Pokemon like Ariados options (because that thing seriously needs more options. I just learned it doesn't get any of the "fang" moves, even Poison Fang!).
  • Spider Fang (Physical, 90bp, 100% acc)
    • Description: The user sinks their teeth into the target, releasing powerful neurotoxins that may cause Paralysis (30%).
    • Distribution: The spider lines (Spinarak, Dewpider, Joltik). Also Skorupi and Venipede.
    • Rationale: Speaking of giving Ariados options... Giving certain Bugs the ability to cause multiple statuses would be a welcome addition. I think Ariados in particular would appreciate now being able to cause Poison, Confusion or Paralysis. The others wouldn't mind new, physical Bug-type options either and may even be able to abuse the Paralysis pretty well (looking at you, Scolipede).
  • Silk Shot (Special, 95bp, 90% acc)
    • Description: The user fires a wad of sticky silk at the target. This has a chance to lower the target's Speed -1 (30%).
    • Distribution: Most Pokemon that learn String Shot
    • Rationale: Bug needs a Special attacking option that isn't Bug Buzz or Signal Beam, and I think this fits the bill nicely. It would be decently distributed, won't suffer the weakness to Soundproof that Bug Buzz does, and has a nice chance to procc a Speed drop on the target. All around a decent alternative to what currently exists.
  • Blight (Status, 100% acc)
    • Description: The user creates a disturbance on the field, disrupting any active terrains and canceling them immediately.
    • Distribution: All of the "pest" Pokemon. Bug-types like Shuckle and Paras make sense here. I could also see the Rattata, Trubbish, and Foongus lines getting this.
    • Rationale: Terrain can be centralizing in the current meta. Why not introduce a way to halt it, similar to how players can stop hazards or weather? This wouldn't be a widely distributed move, but it would spread around to enough Pokemon that it would bolster their usage in support roles.


  1. All good ideas... But blight is definitely my favorite—it's baffling to me that we've had this new mechanic for two generations now, and no corresponding "anti" move...

    Then again, we've had weather since 1999/2000, and there's still no move that cancels that...


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