Pokemon Switch Ideas

So with the rumor that Gen 8 will have a revamped battle system and a bigger emphasis on world building, I got thinking about some changes I'd be cool with seeing in the Pokemon Switch game. Hear me out and feel free to contribute:

Want a Choice Band? Charcoal? Focus Sash? Well you now have to make that shit. Basically, you can pick up anything and everything from the overworld to make hold items for your Pokemon. You can still buy or win a lot of them, but this adds an extra personal touch.

Do away with PP and give each Pokemon a new stat: Stamina. Stamina would be a flat and unchanging stat between Pokemon of the same evolutionary stage, more or less. All fully evolved Pokemon would have 100, for example, while all lowest stage Pokemon would have 50. Moves now tap into Stamina for their power, and if a Pokemon runs out of Stamina they are forced to Struggle. This means that using a lot of traditionally low PP moves will drain Stamina faster, making it harder to use any moves. But using traditionally high PP moves will conserve Stamina for later, so it's a give and take. Stamina is naturally recovered between turns at a slow rate, but Pokemon have a few options to recover it faster which I'll get to in a bit.

-New Battle Mechanics
Rather than full movement like is rumored, Pokemon still take their turns. However, they have more options on how to fight. Pokemon can now choose to Guard and Focus on top of choosing to Fight. Guarding allows a Pokemon to recover a little more Stamina than usual between turns and reduce damage for that turn by 25% (or TO 25%? whatever's less broken). This means that Guarding won't replace Protect in function, and ALL Pokemon can use Guard on top of their 4 move selection. Focus allows a Pokemon to recover a lot more Stamina than usual, but they are not protected from damage at all on that turn. Now battling adds an element of dancing between using moves, guarding against your opponent's, and trying to conserve Stamina.

New status effects relate back to Stamina as well. "Fatigue" causes a Pokemon to burn more Stamina than normal, and recover less than normal, because they're so tired. "Hyperactive" is the opposite effect. These can be caused by moves/items/abilities.

Also, Pokemon will still be able to Mega and use Z-moves through hold items. However, ALL Pokemon can now have access to a new skill free of hold items. Let's just call it "Limit Breaks," because I can't think of a better name for it. Every time a Pokemon deals or takes damage, they fill a special bar. When the bar is full, they can then spend it on three things: a small heal, a typeless attack, or a one time stat boost that matches the particular Pokemon. This can still be used my Megas and Pokemon with Z-Crystals as well.

-More Detailed Stat Screen
The stat screen now shows you what passive changes you are getting from abilities, buffs, etc. It also gives you the raw numbers, similar to Showdown, for your stats with these buffs.

-The overworld
The map is huge. You can explore freely, more or less. The main mission is there, but you can conquer the gyms in any order with their levels and teams scaling to your progression. HMs are still gone, but so are Ride Pokemon. You now traverse certain terrains using a mixture of helpful environmental items and your own Pokemon. Need to cross a stream? Use a Pokemon to smash a tree down and make a bridge. Need to climb a cliff? Ride your Metagross up it. Need to surf to the next town? Find a nearby raft and have your Pokemon push it or jump on your large Water type and ride it there.

-Battle Movement
Finally, "movement" will change for the battle system, but not be similar to Pokken or Digimon World. Instead, it works like Quest 64 meets Battle Revolution meets Disgaea. A Pokemon has a limited movement space represented by a highlighted circle. They can move freely within that circle on their turn, but only for a limited time which is represented by a "Movement" stat that's a timer countdown. Once they burn through their movement time, they must attack. Attacks then take place similar to Battle Revolution, where the Pokemon goes through the animation and (hopefully) strikes the opponent. If the attacker is positioned poorly or the opponent is out of the line of sight, the move misses. If it connects, we get a nice animation similar to the Battle Revolution games.


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