Improving Pokemon: New Move Challenge - Dark Type

Dark-type used to suffer, but it is actually quite good in the current meta. When it was introduced in Gen II, it was useful for its immunity to the signature moves of Psychic-type powerhouses. However, there were few Dark-type Pokemon introduced and even fewer moves to take advantage of all the typing's benefits beyond this immunity. In the generations that followed, even with better moves and Pokemon being introduced, it was pointless to run a Dark-type Pokemon or move when Ghost-type had essentially the same offensive benefits and better defensive coverage. Ghost was offensively strong against the same two types as Dark, Psychic and Ghost, while having a resistance to a type Dark was weak to, Bug, and being straight up immune to Dark's other weakness, Fighting. The only thing Dark-type could do that Ghost couldn't do was block Psychic-type attacks. That was pretty much and literally it in Generations I-V. Also, while many Dark-types wield physically oriented stats, Dark-type was considered a special attacking type until the physical-special split of Gen IV. Meanwhile, Ghost was a physical attacking type during this same time period. In other words, why would you ever use a Dark-type Pokemon or move when Ghost-type was almost the same thing but better in nearly every respect?

However, with Gen VI came the power boost to Knock Off, immunity to Prankster, and the loss of Steel-type's resistance to Dark. While it should be said that Gen VI also gave us a new weakness for Dark-type (Fairies), this doesn't seem to have impacted Dark-type too drastically as many Dark-type Pokemon can carry Poison-type attacks or are dual-typed with a type that offers resistance to Fairy. In general, Dark-type now seems to sit in a nice position as a type with useful defensive and offensive coverage when paired with another typing. In other words, Dark-type is versatile and feels quite balanced in the current metagame, with several options for players to slot this type onto their team in any way they see fit.

If anything, I would argue that the Dark-type only needs more options in what it can pick from for its moves. While being able to get STAB on Knock Off and Dark Pulse is fantastic, these are the most common (and likely only) Dark moves you will see in competitive (save for the odd Crunch or a signature move). Non-offensive moves for this type are also far and few between, meaning most Dark-type Pokemon rely on pulling status moves from outside of their type that aren't unique to just their evolutionary lines. Also, interestingly, what few viable moves do exist for this typing are very well-distributed throughout several Pokemon families. Giving Dark-type more unique options for moves that benefit itself, more choices in how it deals offensive damage, and more choices in how it defensively plays against the opponent would be very welcome additions in improving these Pokemon -- whether they be Dark or any type.

  • Hit 'n Run (Physical, 70bp, 100% acc)
    • Description: Tackles the target and then rushes back to the trainer.
    • Distribution: Most Dark-types and then some others. Distributed widely like U-Turn.
    • Rationale: Gives a pivot to many Dark-types that do not learn U-Turn. Also gives an alternative to U-Turn for some Pokemon who want different coverage. Will deal consistent damage with a different secondary effect than Knock Off, as well.
  • New Moon (Status)
    • Description: The sky changes to twilight as the moon disappears. Doubles the power of Dark-type moves and halves the power of Fairy-type moves. Moves and abilities affected by time of day take on their nighttime properties. Can be caused by the auto-weather ability "Eclipse."
    • Distribution: Most Dark-types. All the "lunar" Pokemon.
    • Rationale: First, a new "weather" is welcome. This move also helps buff a relatively underpowered offensive type (Dark) and weakens an overpowered one (Fairy). Although moves like Moonlight already get buffed during sun, this move would also buff them (ironically, because the moon is obscured) while nerfing moves like Solarbeam, Morning Sun, etc.
  • Twilight Ray (Special, 120bp, 95% acc)
    • Description: The user charges on the first turn. They then release a beam of dark energy on the second. Does not need to charge during a twilight sky or at nighttime.
    • Distribution: Most Dark-types and a lot of others, mostly nocturnal Pokemon and some Poison-types.
    • Rationale: Basically "evil" Solarbeam, really. Dark is one of the few types that lacks a common attacking move with a base power abover 100, and here it is.
  • Dark Reverb (Special, 50bp, 100% acc)
    • Description: The user sings a dark song that echoes through the field to damage both opponents. Has a low priority. However, if any Pokemon uses a sound-based move on the same turn, this move will go immediately after their move and deal double damage. Sound-based.
    • Distribution: Dark-types like Absol. All your sound and instrument-based Pokemon (Chatot, Chimecho, Bronzong, Jigglypuff...) and some weird others (Seismitoad comes to mind).
    • Rationale: This move does a lot of things. It allows Dark-types to hit Pokemon behind subs with a STAB move. The fact that it ignores its low priority and acts immediately after any sound-base move is used can be helpful as well, allowing you to effectively follow up a partner's sound attack in Double Battles or immediately respond to damage from the opponent. It also gains a power boost when these things occur, meaning you could feasibly follow up an ally's Boomburst with another strong attack or take a hit from a Mega Gardevoir's Pixillate Hyper Voice, survive, and retaliate with a strong neutral attack.
  • Corona (Special, 65bp, 85%)
    • Description: Silhouettes the nearest light source, blinding the target with a halo of extremely bright light. Lowers the target's Accuracy -1 and has a 30% chance of causing a Burn. Always causes a burn during sunny weather.
    • Distribution: Absol, Darkrai and Umbreon, definitely. A handful of other Dark-types and some "astrological" Pokemon as well.
    • Rationale: A move that can cause status, which Dark-types actually lack most of the time. Weak and inaccurate like Mud Bomb, to keep it a little balanced.
  • Blood Boil (Status, 90%)
    • Description: Makes the target angry, raising their Attack +1. Cannot self-target.
    • Distribution: Plenty of Dark-types, focusing on Bisharp and Scrafty. Pokemon with Anger Point also would get this.
    • Rationale: Simple move. This makes moves like Foul Play hit harder (if you're going that route with it), but also could be used in conjuction with Swagger (evil) or just to boost an ally's Attack quickly.
  • Cheap Shot (Physical, 40bp, 100% acc)
    • Description: The user strikes the target's weak point. This always lands a critical-hit.
    • Distribution: All the "dirty fighting" Dark-types, and a few other non-Darks. Weavile, Krookodile, Pangoro, Cacturne, Alolan Persian and Honchkrow come to mind. Absol, Mandibuzz and Skuntank would like this too. 
    • Rationale: The auto-crit moves aren't that overpowered, but useful for wallbreaking. Strong Dark-type leads would appreciate this move a lot. Also pairs well with the ability Moxie.
  • Shredder (Status, 90%)
    • Description: Removes all stat boosts on the target. Does not remove inherent boosts from held items, abilities, or other move effects (won't get rid of an Eviolite, Guard Swap, or Huge Power boost, for example, but will remove a +6 boost from Belly Drum or +2 boost from Agility).
    • Distribution: Lots of Pokemon
    • Rationale: The mere existence of this move would be as game changing as Stealth Rocks, I think. Not being able to guarantee holding onto your boosts because of the threat of a Pokemon coming in and using Shredder could trip up a lot of players and stop sweeps.
  • Play Dead (Status)
    • Description: The user feigns fainting, dropping to 1 HP. The user can no longer use moves that deal direct damage, but moves that target the user while under the effects of Play Dead have a 50% decrease in Accuracy. This effect is removed if the user is healed, faints or switches out.
    • Distribution: Mightyena, Weavile, both Persians, Skuntank, and other Pokemon that it makes sense might "play dead" in the wild (Furret? Trevenant? Burmy?)
    • Rationale: Effectively lets your Pokemon get a little breathing room. The risk is that you are now at 1 HP, you can't attack the opponent directly, and only direct attacks aiming toward you have the 50% drop in Accuracy (you can still die from weather, previously held status, etc.). However, this could buy your Pokemon time to heal itself, use a status move, or do something drastic to give you back momentum. Also, this move is used within your speed tier -- like Destiny Bond -- meaning it's probably best used at the start or end of a turn, depending on the Pokemon.
  • Sneak Up (Status, accuracy based on Evasion stat)
    • Description: Has increased priority. The user disappears into the shadows on the first turn, avoiding damage until their next turn. The user is forced to use an attacking move on the next turn, but the move's accuracy will be based on the user's Evasion stat rather than the move's accuracy. The user then receives -1 Evasion after the move executes. As the user's Evasion decreases, the chance of the move striking decreases; as the user's Evasion increases, the chance of the move striking increases. Ignores changes to the user's Accuracy stat or the target's Evasion stat (so your attack will hit even if you've been Sand Attacked 6 times or the opponent has an activity ability like Snow Cloak or is riding +6 Evasion from 3 Minimizes)
    • Distribution: Many Dark-types. Also Pokemon that are known for being "stealthy."
    • Rationale: Gimmicky move that can work well in certain situations. It becomes more accurate the more Evasion boosts the user has, but less accurate when Evasion is lower. Effectively can allow a Pokemon, let's say Mightyena, to get in guaranteed damage and avoid an attack in exchange for an Evasion drop. Coupled with a White Herb or moves like Double Team, this could be a safe way to repeatedly attack with a frail Pokemon. Though watch out for Defog, since it does have that Evasion lowering secondary effect. I imagine the Evasion stat would change the accuracy of the attack like this: 
      • -6 Evasion = 0% Acc
      • -5 Eva = 17% Acc
      • -4 Eva = 34% Acc
      • -3 Eva = 50% Acc
      • -2 Eva = 67% Acc
      • -1 Eva = 84% Acc
      • +/- 0 Eva = 100% Acc
      • +1 Eva and up = 100% Acc
  • Negative Wave (Status, 80%)
    • Description: The user attacks with a wave of negative energy, warping the target. For the next 3 turns, the target has the effects of the ability Contrary but does not lose their original ability.
    • Distribution: The special-oriented or specially defensive Dark-types (Umbreon, Absol, Darkrai, Malamar, Zoroark, Sableye). Also some "darker" Psychic Pokemon, like Hypno and Beeheeyem.
    • Rationale: A non-attacking move with an effect that lasts 3 turns and is guaranteed to occur if the move lands. Similar to Magnet Rise, this move does not replace the target's ability but rather grants them effects "like" the ability for 3 turns. This has a lot of utility. Use it on an ally to give them a chance to boost up if the foe switches in something with Intimidate, or throw it on an ally before they use a move like Superpower or Close Combat. Using this on an opponent about to Dragon Dance or Shell Smash would be hilarious too.
  • Impose (Special, 40bp, 100%)
    • Description: The user imposes themselves onto the target, creating a sense of dread in their heart. This move has a small 10% chance of lowering all of the target's stats -1.
    • Distribution: A TM move, like Snarl, that can be spread around
    • Rationale: One of those gimmicky moves that could be deadly if it activates, but for the most part is worth avoiding. That said, Dark-type needs more attacks that decrease the opponent's stats.  
  • Bully (Physical, 50bp, 100%)
  • Antagonize (Physical, 50bp, 100%)
    • Description: Beats and harasses the target, dealing damage with a 20% chance to raise the user's Attack +1 (Bully) or SpAtt +1 (Antagonize) and lower the opponent's SpDef -1 (Bully) or Def -1 (Antagonize).
    • Distribution: Any Pokemon that learns Beat Up
    • Rationale: These are two different but similar moves with opposite effects. Similar to Flame Charge, these are reliable (albeit weak) physical moves with a chance to cause a decent buff to the user. The moves trade some power and percent chance to activate the secondary effect for an additional debuff on the target. The combination of stats being raised and lowered seems mismatched, but can work well in the favor of a mixed attacker.
  • Bribe (Status)
    • Description: Bribes foe into taking the user's held item, but only works if foe doesn't have anything held.
    • Distribution: A TM, so a ton of Pokemon
    • Rationale: This ultimately is just Bestow, but I feel like Bestow needs more distribution. This move is a good "shady" alternative that makes sense on more Pokemon than the idea of giving gifts does.
  • Plunder (Physical, 40bp, 100%)
    • Description: Swipes the targets item and immediately switches out. Fails to switch out if the target is not holding an item or if the user is already holding an item. In wild battles, this will end the battle.
    • Distribution: Most Dark-types that use Knock Off or Thief
    • Rationale: An alternative to Knock Off or the also-made-up Hit 'n Run from above. This will fail to switch out the user if the target doesn't have an item or if the user is holding one, making this a bit situational. But this move could have good synergy with other moves, like Fling, or with strategies like using up your Berry and then Plundering out of there.
  • Hypochondria (Status)
    • Description: Shares the user's suffering with the target, giving the target the same volatile and non-volatile status effects as the user. Will fail if the target is immune to any of the status effects being passed on.
    • Distribution: Pokemon like Absol make sense. But most walls would love this move, like Mandibuzz. Also oddballs who aren't Dark-type like Wobbuffet.
    • Rationale: This move may give your opponent pause if they try to throw status on something that could easily throw it back on the next turn.
  • Deathblow (Physical, 150bp, 90%)
    • Description: A last-ditch blow that unleashes in the user's final moments. Has no effect if the user is not KO'd on the turn it uses this attack.
    • Distribution: Any Pokemon that learns Final Gambit. Also I can see Pokemon like Weavile, Absol, Krookodile and Bisharp abusing this.
    • Rationale: Sort of like the Dark variant on Destiny Bond, but instead of taking down the opponent with you when you're KO'd it instead activates one huge hit before going down. Absolutely fails (and doesn't activate) if you aren't KO'd, but the move will go off just prior to the KO animation if your Pokemon was knocked out. Like Focus Punch, this move will announce that the user is "preparing itself" at the start of the turn. It will only go off if the user is KO'd during that turn, as I said earlier. Otherwise, it will "fail" and give a message to indicate such. The user can keep setting this move up turn after turn, if they'd like, unlike Destiny Bond -- which will fail if used consecutively.


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