Smash Bros. Fighter Idea: Trixie

Design: The original design for Trixie is fairly generic. On the American box art, Trixie is a young woman drawn in the style of early American comic strips. She has black, shoulder length hair and is wearing a red leotard, red heels, and a red pair of bunny ears. She may also have bronzed(?) skin and is shown to be wearing makeup. In somewhat of a contrast, Trixie's sprite in-game opts for a "cuter" early Japanese manga appearance, like something out of Astro Boy or Cyborg 009 (which was kind of common in Nintendo developed NES/Famicom games). Trixie's sprite also shows her with paler skin and a rounder face, giving her a more youthful appearance. Her outfit also appears more orange-pink (salmon?) than red, with the bunny ears being a lighter shade than the rest of the outfit. The bunny tail on her outfit is also visible when she is shown from the side, completing her "bunny girl" look.

For a redesign, Trixie would look most similar to her sprite with some minor influences from her American boxart. She would remain young and cute with a round face, "manga" eyes, and paler complexion. However, her outfit would appear closer to the the reddish hues of the boxart and she would be shown wearing at least some of the makeup from the boxart. In addition to her basic outfit, she would gain some additional "updates" to her basic design: wrist cuffs and a pair of tights, which complete her showgirl ensemble. These would, ideally, also change colors with her palette swaps.

Personality: Trixie is the young assistant of a carnival showman. Since she is young and fits the bunny girl archetype, I looked at similar characters in other media, specifically the Parodius series, for some inspiration. Bunny girls in Japanese media share some common traits: they are bubbly, clumsy, flirty, easily frustrated, and (usually) exude "kawaii." This actually already reflects how Trixie is shown off in her own game, just by scanning her spritesheet above. There are animations of Trixie being cute, Trixie being embarrassed, Trixie growing annoyed with the player... All of these make for a perfect baseline to build a fully-fleshed out personality in Smash.

Trixie would have a lot of "pep" in her basic animations, such as her idle stance, giving off a youthful, energetic vibe. Her walk would be a basic walking animation with her swinging her arms at her sides, while her run would involve a bit more tail wiggling. Trixie's full dash would have her hold her arms up bent at her side and her hips would swing back and forth as she runs (a very dainty and girlish run). Her taunts and other animations would also similarly show off her girlishness in a similar light. Since Trixie's kit would also rely on a lot of things happening around her rather than being caused by her, she would also have a lot of comical expressions and animations that go in tandem with her attacks -- similar to Isabelle. Similar to Incineroar, she would also have unique animations when certain attacks land or fail. To round off her personality, she would have a young, somewhat innocent sounding voice, with certain times she can sound flirty, displeased, or shocked. I think the character Flonne from Disgaea is a good starting point for envisioning Trixie's voice, and maybe even her personality.

-Weight: Roughly same as Peach, Daisy, etc.
-Air Speed: Average
-Fall Speed: Floaty-ish
-Run Speed: Just below average
-Dash Speed: Speedy
-Height: Zelda's height
-Jump: Zelda's jump height

Special Movements:
-Can crawl
-Can swim
-Cannot wall jump
-Cannot wall cling

-Orange-pink suit and heels, pale orange ears, tan stockings (Default)
-Red suit, ears and heels, skin color tights
-Green suit and heels, white ears, brown stockings
-Blue suit and heels, sky blue ears, tan stockings
-White suit and ears, black heels, brown stockings
-Gold suit and heels, black ears, black stockings
-Light pink suit, ears and heels, white stockings, tan skin, brown hair
-Purple suit and heels, violet ears, black stockings, deep pink skin, jet black hair ("Dark" Trixie)

Kirby Hat: Kirby wears a pink bunny ear headband

1. Trixie turns her head and upper body to look back at her tail, with a surprised expression
2. Trixie rolls her eyes to look up at the top of her head, then primps and adjusts her two bunny ears
3. Trixie puts lets one arm rest on her hip and the other hang free as she looks around her
(Crouching) When crouching, Trixie bends at her knees and sits back in a relaxed position with her legs folded at her side. She will sigh and wipe her brow or fan herself  with her hand while sitting.

1. Trixie turns to the screen with one hand on her hip and the other resting on her backside. She then takes the arm that's not on her hip and raises it to her side, bent at the elbow with her palm up. She winks at the player and says one of 2 lines: "You're a natural!" or "Nice work, pal!".
2. Trixie crouches a little before leaping up on one leg, the other still bent behind her. She throws up her arms, palms out, then stands with both legs firmly on the ground as she folds her hands together at an angle just below her shoulder (similar to boxart). She then says one of two lines: "This is fun!" or "Perfect!"
3. Trixie bends forward with her butt sticking out. She puts her palm over her mouth and blows a kiss with a comically loud "Mwah!" toward her opponents, then turns toward the screen, winks, and waves.
4. Trixie holds out a gun with a finger plugging her other ear. She fires the gun and a burst of confetti with a "Bang!" sign come out of the gun. This taunt can actually be charged, delaying the gunshot. There is a rare chance the gun will fire something other than the sign (a firework, a bunny, or bubbles).

Victory Taunts:
1. Trixie stands with one hand on her hip. She presents an apple with her free hand, places it on her head, and then poses to show off her balance. A shot is heard and the apple is blown right off her head, with Trixie giving a shocked expression as she comically rolls her eyes to the top of her head to see what happened.
2. Trixie holds out either a gold coin or a diamond, which promptly get shot at and begin spinning through the air. Trixie then faces the camera and pumps her fists at her side while making an angry face. She then begins waggling her finger while she scolds the player off screen.
3. Trixie dashes onto screen, followed by her parakeet. A bomb falls behind her and is shot at, making a huge boom. Trixie is startled, trips and then falls flat on her back, legs kicking into the air and butt facing the screen. She then sits up on all fours, rubbing her backside and wincing as she stares at the screen. Her parakeet flutters around her head, squawking.
(Clapping) Trixie simply claps with her palms together just below her face. Her expression is one of visible excitement.

Gimmick: Like Duck Hunt, Trixie brings with her an unseen and off-screen player wielding the NES Zapper light gun. Unlike Duck Hunt (minus the specials), the gun won't fire for most attacks unless the player presses the attack button a second time, which will cancel the current attack/animation and produce a second, potentially stronger one with different properties. These second hits usually have the added effect of producing a new animation for Trixie, based on whether they succeed or fail.

Standard Attacks:
Jab: Trixie bends her arm in front of her and then slaps her hand, bending a lot at the wrist
Jab Combo: Trixie slaps, then slaps backhanded.
Rapid Jab: Trixie slaps back and forth
Rapid Jab Finisher: Trixie kicks her heel into the air surprisingly high, knocking back foes
Ftilt: Trixie performs a roundhouse kick with her heel. Pressing A again fires the gunshot at the end of her heel, causing Trixie to quickly pull her leg back with a shocked look on her face.
Utilt: Trixie stretches her arms up above her head similar to Peach's Utilt. The second shot fires at her fingertips and Trixie quickly throws her arms back down to her sides.
Dtilt: Trixie falls backward from her sitting position, straightens her legs, and stretches her arms out behind her head, like she's making a snow angel. One leg pops up at a 90 degree angle when she reaches the final few frames of the attacks. Her arms do a normal "poke" behind her while her leg can pop opponents up into the air. The second shot fires just above her belly, linking well with the hit from her leg at low percents. After the shot fires, Trixie will spring up into a surprised sitting position.
Dash: Trixie pauses, then leaps with her knee bent out in front of her for a burst of momentum forward. Pressing A again causes a gunshot to fire directly behind her, which causes her to sharply turn around, looking behind her in surprise, and end her dash facing the other way.

Nair: Punches one arm up and kicks one leg down, extending her body, like Wii Fit Trainer. Several gunshots fire in a circle around her, causing Trixie to pull in her limbs and get smaller.
Uair: Does an aggressive overhead kick with the toe of her heel, creating a full 180 degree strike the travels from below her body to nearly above it. Her body twists during this attack. The gunshot will burst at the tip of her toes, producing a more powerful hitbox if the attack doesn't land. Trixie will scissor her legs back together after the shot is fire, going into a twisting fall.
Dair: Bends both legs up toward her body, then kicks one downward for a spike. This can be angled as well. If A is pressed again, the gunshot fires between her legs, causing Trixie to do a split in midair and hold her hands downward to cover her pelvis while her head shakes bath and forth in shock. The split can also deal damage.
Fair: Swings a carnival mallet down in front of her, which has a gracious sweetspot for a spike. Pressing the gunshot will cause the mallet to be shot and explode out of Trixie's hands, giving her a shocked expression as she holds onto nothing. The mallet becomes an extended hitbox as a result of this as well, popping into the air a little before falling down to the ground below her. Trixie cannot use her Fair again until the mallet disappears.
Bair: Performs a full 360 spin as she kicks both heels behind her, hitting twice. The gunshot fires behind her body, making Trixie quickly bend away from the gunshot. This also gives her a little bit of forward momentum in the air, but only after the gun is fired.

Grab: Trixie twirls a lasso above her head, complete with her closing one eye and sticking out her tongue as she focuses. The lasso gets tossed and works as a tether grab, pulling characters in from a decent distance. It does not, however, allow Trixie to grab onto ledges (and thus is not a Zair attack).
Pummel: Trixie has a very focused look on her face as she struggles to use all her strength and hold the character in place. For her pummel, gunshots are fired from off screen at the lassoed target. Trixie will also throw in a knee for additional damage.
Fthrow: Trixie whomps the opponent with both her arms straight into the ground, causing them to bounce up. A second A press sends gunshots for more damage.
Bthrow: Trixie leaps behind the opponent and pulls out a comically oversized mallet. She swings it like a golf club and the opponent is batted away. A second A press follows up with gunshots for damage.
Uthrow: Trixie ties a balloon to the opponent and they slowly float up into the air in their "stunned" animation. The balloon will pop on its own after some time and the foe can break free early. A second A press before this happens, however, will shoot the opponent a few times before popping the balloon.
Dthrow: A cartoon anvil carried by balloons appears above the opponent's head. Trixie shoots it herself and the anvil squashes the opponent, burying them. Pressing A again will damage the opponent some more while they're buried, but pressing it early will actually damage the anvil and cause it to fall faster.

Smash Attacks:
Fsmash: Trixie tosses out a cartoon bomb in a slow arc out from her stretched hand. The longer the charge, the further the toss. The bomb will remain out on the stage as a sitting projectile (think Dedede's Gordos) and will explode on its own, but can be shot at any time before it lands to blow it up early. If it's shot too early, however, as in before leaving Trixie's hand, it will blow up in Trixie's face, leading to a comical animation. The bomb cannot be picked up like an item, but can be pocketed.
Usmash: Tosses an egg, tomato or cabbage into the air. The longer the charge, the higher it goes. If A is pressed again at any time, the item tossed will be shot and create a larger hitbox around itself. If A is not pressed, the item will fall back down and land on Trixie's head, giving a quick animation where she puts her hands on her hips and her ears flop down as she looks at the player with an annoyed face. This also gives the end of the move more endlag. On the flip, if A is pressed too soon, the shot will fire and still hit the item for a bigger hitbox, but Trixie will duck for her dear life too, also adding endlag to the attack.
Dsmash: Points two finger guns at the ground in quick succession as two targets appear on either side of Trixie and slide into position. The longer the charge, the further away from Trixie the targets will move. Pressing A again before the end of the attack causes both targets be shot in quick succession. If they are not shot, Trixie gives a confused look and shrugs toward the camera. As an "easter egg," the targets can appear as either bullseyes, wooden ducks, or a miniature family of well-dressed anthropomorphic rabbits -- all references to Barker Bill.


Neutral: Flying Saucers - Trixie holds and then tosses ceramic plates in random arcs, similar to Game and Watch's Neutral B. The saucers will float a little before hitting a foe or shattering on the ground. Holding B will give Trixie a little more time before letting go, allowing you to aim the saucer a bit better (including tossing the plate in one of 8 directions). Pressing B again while a saucer is out will cause the gun to shoot it, shattering the saucer and creating a larger hitbox -- similar to Duck Hunt's Clay Pigeons. There is little endlag between shooting a saucer and tossing the next, but saucers can be tossed and shot at pretty quickly. 

Side: Parakeet - Trixie sends out her pet parakeet, who flies forward in a loop and then returns to hover above her. Pressing Side B again will send the parakeet out chasing after the nearest target. Pressing B during its flight will cause a reticle and gunshots to chase the parakeet, damaging anything in its path as shots are fired. The parakeet will circle the target for a short period and pressing B will continue to fire shots. The parakeet can be damaged and has about as much HP as a Luma. It can be called back to Trixie with Side B and will disappear if she uses her Neutral B or waits long enough. If Trixie uses her Down Special while the parakeet is out, the parakeet will immediately fly back to her and disappear. If she uses her Up Special, the parakeet will remain out and about. If the parakeet gets KO'd, it will take a while for it become summonable again. As a final note, the shots that chase the parakeet can also harm Trixie.

Up: Balloons - Trixie floats straight up into the air holding onto the strings of two oversized balloons. Trixie has good horizontal movement and air speed while using this recovery, and ascends quickly. Pressing B will pop the first balloon, then the second. This slows Trixie's ascent and when she has no balloons she will fall down helplessly. The balloons can be popped by other players as well.

Down: Window Panes - Trixie disappears behind a closed window pane, which faces the screen. She will stay invulnerable while behind the pane for 6 seconds. The pane can be attacked, but takes significant damage before breaking. If it does break, Trixie is stunned in place. Trixie can use this attack in midair to pause in place while hiding. Tapping B while Trixie is hiding will cause her to open the window pane and toss something (a flower pot, a bucket or a tea kettle), which can be lobbed horizontally, tossed upward, or dropped below. These items can also be shot by pressing B again as they fall. Trixie can also taunt from behind the window, which will cause her to open the window and wave at the screen. If Down B is pressed at any time, Trixie will exit the window pane early. Depending on the time that has passed, she will increasingly take longer to exit: at 1s, she will jump out; at 2s, she will leap out a little slower; at 3s, she will climb over the windowsill; at 4s, she will slowly climb over the windowsill holding onto the pane; at 5s, she will climb out backwards, first dangling one leg awkwardly before stepping out. She is vulnerable while climbing out in any of these scenarios. If the player HOLDS B while using this special initially, 3 windows will appear instead of one. Trixie will always start hiding behind the middle window, but the player can select a different window to appear out of by pressing the control stick before pressing B or Down B. This gives Trixie a further element of surprise with this attack.

Final Smash: Bonus Game
Trixie tosses out a gold coin and the player can shoot at it. If it hits another fighter, the screen transitions with a curtain pull revealing a stage with disco balls and a large slot machine. If the shot misses, Trixie stamps her foot and looks annoyed while the attack does nothing. With a successful hit, the screen immediately transitions. In this scene, Trixie stands next to the huge slot machine cutely waving, then holds out a gun and aims toward the slot machine (with one finger plugging her ear). The slots begin spinning and the player has mere seconds to fire shots at the machine and go for a bonus. If the player presses A or B quickly enough, the slot machine is "shot" and stops to show matching stock icons for the captured opponents. Trixie then fires off her gun with a bunch of confetti and cheers as all captured opponents take heavy damage and are possibly KO'd. If the player fails to press a button in time, however, Trixie's gun misfires and she shrugs as she shakes her head toward the player. The opponents still take damage, but it is much reduced. There is actually only one outcome that always appears on the slot machine as long as the player presses the button in time (which results in the high damage and KO), but the player must activate it. If the player fails to act, the slot machine will buzz and fall apart while Trixie does her disappointed animation (and the opponents take much more minor damage). The other symbols that spin by on the slot machine but cannot be chosen, just for reference, are Barker Bill, the Duck Hunt Dog, Trixie, Sandbag, and the Smash logo.


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