Pokemon Switch Ideas
So with the rumor that Gen 8 will have a revamped battle system and a bigger emphasis on world building, I got thinking about some changes I'd be cool with seeing in the Pokemon Switch game. Hear me out and feel free to contribute: -Crafting Want a Choice Band? Charcoal? Focus Sash? Well you now have to make that shit. Basically, you can pick up anything and everything from the overworld to make hold items for your Pokemon. You can still buy or win a lot of them, but this adds an extra personal touch. -Stamina Do away with PP and give each Pokemon a new stat: Stamina. Stamina would be a flat and unchanging stat between Pokemon of the same evolutionary stage, more or less. All fully evolved Pokemon would have 100, for example, while all lowest stage Pokemon would have 50. Moves now tap into Stamina for their power, and if a Pokemon runs out of Stamina they are forced to Struggle. This means that using a lot of traditionally low PP moves will drain Stamina faster, making it harder ...