Saint-type Pokemon
**If you want to read my very wordy explanation of WHY I chose this particular type, scroll down to my "Exposition" well past all the other stuff** BREAKDOWN Concept The Saint-type would be a new type for Pokemon based around the element of "holy" from traditional RPGs. Theming Monster designs and attacks would draw heavily from "sacred" and "supernatural" beings or ideas from different worldwide cultures, religions, and philosophies. This would NOT be a type where all of the Pokemon are angels and everything is based on a Medieval Christian worldview. Rather, those concepts would be part of a variety of that includes Pokemon based on folklore and religions from all over the world. Saint-type Pokemon are able to interact with a world beyond our own, whether they hail from it or have become disciplined enough to gain access. Throughout history, they have been used by humans to improve fortunes, provide guidance, or g...