Who wants to Smash?: 3rd Party Additions
N ow that Smash is confirmed to be coming for Nintendo Switch at the end of 2018, I wanted to share my own thoughts about the roster. The Smash hype season is always such a glorious time, fraught with emotion and anticipation for what may come. Sakurai himself noted that he wanted Smash Bros. to represent "the history of video games," and remarked that Smash 4 was the biggest celebration of that yet. With the combination of first party and third party characters, you could make a pretty good argument that story of video games as a whole is represented well within that title. HOWEVER, I think there are still some parts of that history which are missing. And since the floodgates opened up to 3rd party characters in Smash 4, I think it's safe to say that we will be getting even more non-Nintendo characters in the next game and that all bets are off over who or what can get in. So, here is my not-so-exhaustive list of what 3rd party characters I want to be included. Th...